Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sometimes my dreams seems so real, and I wake up really believing that things are different.
I keep telling myself that I'm stupid, and I need to let it go, but i can't seem to shake the feeling that this just isn't the way things are supposed to be.
I don't know what else I can do, I pray about it, it haunts my dreams - I try to let it go, I really do.  Everyday.  But something seems to be fighting against me - which leads me to the conclusion that maybe i've been right all along.

This is a movie.

And in this movie truth wins - it just takes a while, we have to make the plot interesting so that people watch.  Although if a movie went on this long it would be like New Moon and everyone would be tired of it by the time the resolution came.

Speaking of which - New Moon was my favorite of the Twilight books.  Maybe I'm just into being miserable.

Anyway, so in this movie - we're eventually happy - after some kicking and screaming of course.  And hopefully not the day before a wedding that's supposed to happen (the only similarity this can have with Sweet Home Alabama is the rain - and maybe some civil war reenactments).  I

I'm just waiting for my one moment.

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