Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sometimes I wish I was public with this information, not that it's hidden or anything, but I sure wouldn't purposefully tell anyone about this site. It's embarrassing to be this honest. It's embarrassing to be this stupid. And for me, it's embarrassing that I let someone hurt me this much. I never intended too.

Someday I hope I at least get a real apology, some sort of indication that he actually feels bad about doing this, because so far I'll i've gotten is justification, and now we're not even talking. I don't even understand.

He could of at least texted or told Stacey or something. I have no idea - theoretically he could have died and no one told me. It's really unfair to just decide to completely cut someone out of your life without even explaining to them why. Maybe it's because your fat, ugly, stupid girlfriend told you to?

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I could delete that right now and no one would ever know that I typed it, but I'm being honest, and that's honestly how I feel. When people get upset they lash out, I'm upset and lashing out. There's no excuse for that and i'm not going to hide it. Especially not on a blog that no one reads.

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