Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today is a day to marvel.  How can anyone look at God's creation and not believe.  Today I'm not going to ask for anything.  It was disheartening to hear of our president's endorsement today, to know how many more people will be accepting and tolerating and encouraging of sin.  Maybe he should take some time to really look around.

I bought two new books.  So far i'm enthralled with Crazy Love. "The wise man comes to God without saying a word and stands in awe of him." Through his creation we can understand more about him.  It's not that it's really new or different, it's just want I need to hear right now.  Something positive.  Something to make me excited.  Something that makes me want to be a part of this world and not just go through the motions.  I feel like I've been walking around like a zombie for the last year. Not living, not really going anywhere.  Preferring to live in my daydreams, where things are happy and the way they are supposed to be.  Wanting to live anywhere, but here, in this life, by myself.

I also bought Lost Scriptures, that's where I'm going next.  Sometimes I think about joining a real scholarly bible study.  Only I can't find any.  Maybe I need to create my own.  Or maybe it needs to be more of a book club, because a lot of people that go to these kinds of things would be offended by the things I want to read.  Ever since The Missionary Position, i've been really interested in knowing as much as I can know and learn and understand.

Dear Lord,
Tonight, just be with me as I go to sleep.  Protect and help those I love.  You light up my world like no one else.  Let me tell you that on repeat.

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